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1st International Forum LGBTQI+ Ageing in Southern Europe - a two-day event in Coimbra dedicated to the complex intersections of ageing and LGBTQI+ life stories, in Southern Europe and beyond.

Inaugural keynote speaker, Professor Andrew King (University of Surrey), gave a thought-provoking presentation on LGBTQI+ ageing titled “Putting LGBTQ+ Ageing in (and out) of Context”.

Andrew King, Head of Department, and Professor of Sociology, University of Surrey (UK); CoDirector of the Centre for Research on Ageing and Generations (CRAG) and the Centre of Excellence on Ageing (CEA); and Co-Chair of the Sex, Gender and Sexualities Research Group (SGS); member of the International Advisory Board of Projects REMEMBER - Recording Experiences of LGBTQ Elders in Post-Dictatorship Portugal (1974-2020) and TRACE - Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: Ageing, ageism and age-related LGBTI+ politics in Europe.

1º Fórum Internacional sobre Envelhecimento LGBTQI+ na Europa do Sul - um evento de dois dias, em Coimbra, dedicado às intersecções entre envelhecimento histórias de vida LGBTQI+, na Europa do Sul e noutros contextos.

O orador principal da sessão de abertura, Professor Andrew King (Universidade de Surrey), apresentou o seu trabalho sobre envelhecimento LGBTQI+ numa sessão intitulada “Putting LGBTQI+ Ageing in (and out) of Context”.

Andrew King, Head do Departamento e Professor de Sociologia na Universidade de Surrey (Reino Unido); Co-Diretor do Centro de Investigação sobre Envelhecimento e as Gerações (CRAG) e do Centro de Excelência sobre o Envelhecimento (CEA); e Co-Presidente do Grupo de Investigação sobre Sexo, Género e Sexualidades (SGS); membro do Conselho Consultivo Internacional dos Projetos REMEMBER - Vivências de Pessoas LGBTQ Idosas no Portugal Democrático (1974-2020) e TRACE - Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: Ageing, ageism and age-related LGBTI+ politics in Europe.

Ana Lúcia Santos

Evento > 1st International Forum > LGBTQI+ Ageing in Southern Europe
Projeto > REMEMBER
Projeto > TRACE