Interview by: Ana Cristina Pereira and Sílvia Roque
Edited by: Camilla Morello
Abstract by: Laura Marquesan
Language editing by: Daniela S. Jorge Ayoub
Este podcast faz parte da série de 28 podcasts realizados sobre o caso português e italiano no âmbito do projeto de investigação de 36 meses (2018-2021) (De)Othering: Desconstruindo o Risco e a Alteridade: guiões hegemónicos e contra-narrativas sobre migrantes/refugiados e “Outros internos” nas paisagens mediáticas em Portugal e na Europa, que pretendeu analisar criticamente representações mediáticas de migrantes, refugiados e “outros internos” em Portugal e na Europa, mapeando as suas interconexões com narrativas produzidas no domínio da segurança e no quadro da Guerra ao Terrorismo. O seu foco, uma análise de Portugal à luz de estudos de caso europeus profundamente afetados por ameaças terroristas (Reino Unido e França) e por fluxos migratórios/de refugiados (Itália e Alemanha), pretende investigar a construção de narrativas transnacionais de risco que permeiam a Europa independentemente da sua exposição “diferenciada”.
O projeto foi financiado pelo pelo FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) e por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Referencia Projeto: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029997)
----- English Version
This podcast is part of a series of 28 podcasts produced on the Portuguese and the Italian cases as outputs of the research undertaken in the 36 months project (2018-2021) (De)Othering: Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and ‘internal Others’ in Portuguese and European mediascapes that sets out to critically examine media representations on migrants, refugees and ‘internal Others’ in Portugal and across Europe while mapping out their interconnections with particular narratives in the field of security and within the War on Terror. Its focus – an analysis of Portugal in the light of other European cases affected by terrorist threats (United Kingdom and France) and by migrant/refugee flows (Italy and Germany) – aims to explore the construction of transnational narratives of risk pervading Europe regardless of the ‘differential’ exposure to them.
The project was funded by FEDER – European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE 2020 – Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), and by Portuguese funds through FCT in the framework of the project 029997 (Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029997).
Sinho Baessa de Pina is an activist and the vice-president of the Associação Cavaleiros de São Brás, an organization situated in Casal da Boba, Amadora, that promotes cultural events in the neighborhood. He calls his community work homework and aims to give a lesson against racism, misogyny and colonialism. In this episode, Sinho talks about a situation that a couple went through while going to the hospital because their child was about to be born and they were stopped by the police. This made him realize that young Black Portuguese people already have their fate marked from birth, so he began to try to create spaces that would promote greater awareness among the population and fight against police abuse against the Black population.
From this, he talks a lot about the access of the racialized population in society, the spaces they occupy, who takes the first public transportation in the morning, who works where, who is at the university and who is not. These are barriers that seem invisible to those who are not directly affected by them, but that is what sustains this racist structural system and changing this means in his opinion taking away the privilege of many. This is a narrative that still bothers many and is not only the white population that resists those changes, but also the state and its institutions. Sinho reiterates how promoting spaces for discussion about racism in schools, with parents, beyond academia and society as a whole is necessary and urgent; it is necessary to make these topics present in the micropolitics of affections.