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Scholars of the Portuguese empire often claim that Portuguese elites used myths and popular narratives to justify the expansion and maintenance of their Empire. Furthering our understanding of contemporary populism and based on Frédéric Lordon’s Imperium: Structures and Affects of Political Bodies (2022), João figueiredo argues that to understand the mechanics behind populist use of Portuguese colonial heritage, we should be paying attention to the emotional infrastructures of the State, and not to the ‘truth’ content of these myths.

Investigadores do império português afirmam que as elites portuguesas utilizaram mitos e narrativas populares para justificar a expansão e manutenção do império. Aprofundando o conhecimento do populismo contemporâneo e baseado em Imperium: Structures and Affects of Political Bodies (2022) de Frédéric London, João Figueiredo argumenta que para descortinar os mecanismos por detrás do uso populista da herança colonial portuguesa se deve prestar atenção às infraestruturas emocionais do Estado, e não ao “verdadeiro” conteúdo destes mitos.

Sara Araújo

Evento > Ciclo de Eventos UNPOP > O populismo e as emoções
Evento > Seminário | UNPOP > Seizing the emotional infrastructure of the State – lessons to be learned from Portuguese colonial psi-ops (c. 1961)
Projeto > UNPOP