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10-03-2011        Podcast

Michel Callon é professor de Sociologia na École des Mines de Paris, Director do Centre for the Sociology of Innovation entre 1982 e 1994, e presidente do 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) entre 1998 e 1999. É um dos "fundadores" (juntamente com Bruno Latour e John Law), da Teoria Actor-Rede ou sociologia da tradução. A sua obra abrange um amplo espectro de questões relativas às inter-relações entre ciência, tecnologia e sociedade: a antropologia da ciência e tecnologia, socioeconomia da inovação, ciência, tecnologia e democracia, cientometria e métodos quantitativos, a antropologia dos mercados e da sociologia da medicina e da saúde. A entrevista foi conduzida por João Arriscado Nunes e Laura Centemeri, ambos pesquisadores no CES.

Michel Callon is Professor of sociology at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Director of the Centre for the Sociology of Innovation from 1982 to 1994, and Chairman of the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) from 1998-1999 and is one of the «founders» (with Bruno Latour and John Law) of what is known as the Actor-Network Theory or the sociology of translation. His work covers a wide spectrum of issues relative to interrelations between science, technology and society: anthropology of science and technology, socio-economics of innovation, science, technology and democracy, scientometrics and quantitative methods, anthropology of markets and sociology of medicine and health. The interview was made by João Arriscado Nunes and Laura Centemeri both researchers at CES.
